Well after weeks of turmoil about what is best to do, Sandy is two Chemo sessions out of four down with two left to go. First went amazingly well, in fact I was worrying all day not knowing how her body would react to these harsh chemicals, but she came bounding out with such energy & happiness it astounded me.
Session two was due a few weeks later but this could not go ahead, not because she was ill from the first round, but because she had picked up a little bug. White blood cells were still above the range they would have carried the session out with, but we played it safe & delayed for a few days & this was the right decision. Second Chemo taken place & again, Sandy is happy & well.
Playful days I adore…this is the puppy I brought home 12 1/2 years ago…playful, happy, energetic…my baby I adore! That warm fuzzy feeling that makes tears of joy escape, I wouldn’t swop for the world. My days evolves around her. When I arrive home from a days work, she greets me with such excitement & energy (plus my slippers as if to say…mummy stay now!) We then run to the front grass for sniffs & depending on her , we may go a little further afield. People watching is a firm favourite..the other day, we sat in the island of the road watching the cars & people go by quite happily. Car drivers must’ve thought how odd, both dog & owner sat on the grass in the frost in the island…but this is what Sandy wanted, so we enjoyed this moment together. Enjoying the finer things in life. I am sure she is teaching me to slow down & enjoy all that is around us…so I am going with these moments.
I think the main thing she has taught me is resilience – I am so so proud of Sandy & do not have any regrets at all. What I hold onto deep inside is that a miracle of her being cured after treatment may become reality.
Two down, two to go and three to ROCK ON! Good going Sandy and Dawnie, you’re really doing so well, this is great.
P.S. February 4 was such a busy blogging day, I think lots of us missed it cause there were so many posts that day. Come to the forums too and let us know how things are going OK? We’re thinking of you!