Staples were removed & not a flinch! Such a brave warrior princess I have…even I was braver than I thought…thanks to the vet talking about her results to keep me distracted.
well the results, twice over, were inconclusive so it leaves the vet to suggest we go for chemo & also wants to combine this with targeted therapy which will kill growing cells.
Another decision to make….both are very costly but I mainly want to do what is right for sandy. I am beginning to feel that if the results were inconclusive then we should keep to chemo alone perhaps. That starts Monday…dreading it!! Pumping my poor baby’s body with chemicals terrifies me, but so does loosing her to this awful cruel cancer when she is not ready to give up so needs must!
Lots of fuss & spoiling ahead…we pray that we have NO side effects & that this chemo is what we need to see us through effectively.
Will keep you posted! For now, goodnight all…this festivity celebration is tiring! Zzzzzzzz
This is Sandy… We recently celebrated her 12th Birthday & her clean bill of health from the past cancers she had been diagnosed with that together we fought!
Celebrating Sandy’s 12th Birthday
We more recently had to visit the vets due to a sudden limp. Sandy was diagnosed with arthritis & placed on medication to manage this. However, the meds which were gradually increased were not making any difference & Sandy’s ability to use her leg was becoming progressively worse.
We tried Hydrotherapy, something I didn’t think Sandy would enjoy as she had never really experience water on that scale, however Sandy proved me wrong & began to enjoy this!
Hydrotherapy session
With the limp not improving with meds & Hydro sessions, I pushed for further investigations. A specialist saw Sandy & undertook another X-ray. This then led to the devastating news that Sandy had a new Cancer which had sadly broken her bone. This explained her limping bless her, but why Sandy…why again!?! Sandy is the most beautifully kind, most loving & loyal pooch anyone could ever wish for. This IS NOT fair. We will get through this though I told her, like we’ve gotten through the others! However with the news of the cancer & the fracture, there was only one option available…Amputation. My heart shattered into pieces right there…I was devastated! This then brought about a very upsetting evening having to decide if to amputate to fight this cancer, or if to allow her to be at peace whilst she was still well…there came the decision…Sandy was still well in all other aspects, she was healthy, she had already adapted to life on three legs not having used her poorly one for weeks…there was not a sign she was ready to give up on life! So I wasn’t about to give up on her. Now don’t get me wrong, that decision to allow amputation the very next day, it broke my world. I felt feelings of guilt, worry, panic…I hated myself for putting her through this operation. BUT I went to visit her the very next day & she wagged that tail & greeted me with excitement & kisses filled with so much love. We shared dinner & treats & a few hours later I tucked hr up in her bed & said goodnight until the next morning when I was back there at her side again…Sandy had done so well that they then said that afternoon we could go home!! This filled me excitement & relief but also with more worry, tears & panics. The vets were at the end of the phone, reassuring & explaining all was to be okay.
Mattress brought downstairs, bowls brought to her, massages, ice packs, meds & lots of TLC…we were going to be okay! Especially with the support of this forum, as I was able to share how I was feeling & what sandy was going through to gain an insight that it is okay to feel this way, I wasn’t alone, other dogs have experienced similar things & the advise was amazing…it kept me glued together to get through this with strength for Sandy.
A week down the line, we have done sooooo well….we’ve recently gone off food & become lazy…but that’s probably because only garden walks don’t cut it for being excited to go out & doesn’t build an appetite!
Staples are due to come out tomorrow morning…this I am pleased for Sandy but also dreading, I am pretty sure Sandy will be okay with this though bless her & know that it is my human emotions getting in the way.
Then we await to see if the results are in for the type of cancer…we PRAY that it is not the aggressive type as Chemo, although I have been told is not as bad for Dogs, its another thing for Sandy to have to tackle which we do not want her to have to go through! If it’s needed, we will discuss this in more detail with the vet, until then we will hope & pray that it’s not & she is now cancer free again!
So with fur shaved, & cold winter days…we have for the first time ever in 12 years, bought Sandy a Jumper, or two, or three!! She looks so adorable! It certainly keeps her wound protected & keeps her cosy! Of course she has had coats over the 12 years, just not jumpers. I think soon Sandy will be taking over my wardrobe!!
Sandy’s fashionable Jumper
So to all who are new to this experience, stay positive, come share your stories, discuss your fears & worries with others on the forum & gain advise & wisdom from all those having gone through similar experiences….we are not alone in this! To all those who have been a rock to see us through the toughest days…THANK YOU!!!!
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