Well, Sandy is one lucky pooch. These are her wheels that we bought for our holiday adventures so we could enjoy the holiday together prior to amputation. They have indeed been the best buy ever!
I was not sure if Sandy would like it as she has never been crated but in desperation to find something, as with her limp I didn’t have a choice but to try.
Upon collecting & it just fitting into the boot, we made our way onto our vacation lodge and when we arrived, out it came for a quick assemble To familiarise Sandy with it. No sooner after I had put it together and popped her bedding inside, Sandy had jumped in & laid down…wow! I was amazed & relieved, in the comfortable knowledge that Sandy would be accompanying me everywhere on this vacation in a happy comfortable way!
Since amputation, this has been our blessed wheels that has provided us with the continuation of our walks to our favourite places to meet our friends to sniff, play & socialise, but being able to rest when tiredness kicks in.
This has been our saviour as some days we only make our walks to the green next to the house. Sandy can hop in, stroll along & hop out again when we see friends or wants to sniff.
People do often look back or try to nose inside as they walk by, saying to their partner, “there’s a dog inside that buggy” – the thoughts that must go through their minds. Only those with their dogs ask, & that’s okay, we’re proud to share our story of our journey. Those whom say aaaw poor dog, I correct them & share with them that Sandy is not poor, she has these wheels, good healthy food in her bowl every day with clean fresh water & yummy treats, and above all, a mummy whom loves, adores, devotes her all to her & who made the right decision to fight for another chance to be pain free. This soon makes them realise that Sandy is happy, healthy, loved & well cared for above everything else this world has to offer!
We wouldn’t have it any other way ☺️
This is Sandy soon after jumping into her new wheels…all ready for her adventures!